Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): Symptoms And Treatments!

Peripheral artery disease also known as Peripheral arterial disease is caused when fatty deposits are formed inside the walls of arteries. As a result, arteries carrying blood to peripherals are narrowed. Due to this narrowing, the flow of blood, oxygen and glucose to peripherals is reduced. This reduced blood flow causes numbness, weakness, coldness and discoloration of legs, pain in hips or thigh muscle and sores that heal slowly or do not heal. Apart from this, slow nail growth and weak or no pulse in legs or feet are other symptoms of this disease. Erectile dysfunction is common in men suffering from both diabetes and peripheral arterial disease


Atherectomy: In this treatment, a thin device is inserted gently into arteries for the removal of build-up and widening of arteries to improve the flow of blood. With improved blood flow, pain in legs and feet is reduced, sores can be minimized or cured and amputation can be avoided.  

Stenting: A stent or tiny wire mesh tube is placed inside an artery to create rigid support in an artery weakened due to years of build-up. This stent is coated with medicine to avoid narrowing of the artery in the future.     

Angioplasty: By making use of advanced imaging guidance, a tube having a small balloon is inserted in blocked and narrowed artery. This balloon is inflated in a controlled manner to remove build-up restore the flow of blood.